Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food
Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food Puzzle family fun 500 piece jumbo sandwich food

This isn't just any puzzle. In addition to out-of-the-ordinary and sometimes silly subject matter, Le Puzz's founders made sure to create a product for die-hard puzzlers like themselves. Their pieces are extra thick, they're random cut, and the materials come from FSC-approved paper sources. 

Match Made in Heaven is an arrangement of their huge collection of vintage matchbooks. 

Completed: 25" H x 18" W | 63.5 cm H x 45.7 cm W
Box: 14.25" H x 9" W x 2" D | 36.2 cm H x 22.9 cm W x 5.1 cm D